紐西蘭西葫蘆 1 顆约 800 g-1.2 kg,紐西蘭西葫蘆(kamo kamo),也有人叫“毛利南瓜”,是一種季節性的特種蔬菜,營養豐富且熱量低,富含维生素、胡蘿蔔素,烹煮方法與南瓜同,可以煮、蒸、烤、切片炒,也可以把籽挖掉放入肉醬蒸或烤。
紐西蘭西葫蘆 1 顆约 800 g-1.2 kg,紐西蘭西葫蘆(kamo kamo),也有人叫“毛利南瓜”,是一種季節性的特種蔬菜,營養豐富且熱量低,富含维生素、胡蘿蔔素,烹煮方法與南瓜同,可以煮、蒸、烤、切片炒,也可以把籽挖掉放入肉醬蒸或烤。
擁有40多年歷史的 Kelmarna 社區農場,位於奧克蘭 Ponsonby 地區的中心地帶,佔地 4.5 英畝。1981年由市政府租用並成立了凱爾馬納社區花園信託基金,開發成一片有機農場,歡迎市民前來體驗、學習和享受城市綠洲的樂趣。
I’ve known Des for almost 30 years. When I first arrived in New Zealand, we became neighbors. Their home was a typical countryside-style wooden house, nestled within a front and back garden. The exterior was simple, but the interior was warm and inviting, furnished with Victorian-era books and furniture. This gave the home not only a rustic charm but also a sense of timelessness.